Contact Privacy Policy
The Privacy Policy we apply when you first contact us is extremely simple:
1) We won't share you contact details (including name, email, phone number, company and whatever information you provide in your message) with anyone who is not part of HATS and LYNX.
2) We will use your information for the sole purpose you express in the contact form; in other words, we won't use the email address you provide to contact you to sell or present something, unless the form you used provides an opt-IN checkbox through which you request such communications.
3) Information is automatically saved by the system you used (e.g. LinkedIn, Wordpress...). You may request the deletion of any information from the automated archive at any time through the form below: simply enter the email address you registered and we will take care of the rest.
Alternatively, you may request deletion by emailing us here --> privacy "att" (substitute "att" with the proper mark for emails - bots are torturing us these days, we are forced to hide this address.)
That's it. As simple as we would like it to be everywhere.
1) HATSやLYNXのメンバー以外の人には、連絡先情報(氏名、メールアドレス、電話番号、会社、メッセージに提供したすべての情報)を共有しません。.
2) お問い合わせフォームに記入される目的にのみ情報を収集および使用します。提供された情報を使用して営業コールなどを行うことはありません。
3) 情報は、使用されたシステム(例:LinkedIn、WordPressなど)によって自動的に保存されます。その情報の削除は下記のはメールアドレスまたはフォームにて簡単にできます。どちらの方法でも登録されたアドレスを教えていただく必要があります。